Week 6 - Cameras and Post-Processing

Worked with cameras which would target the player and/or follow the player, as well as attempt to keep all selected objects within view. I found this all pretty intuitive and particularly liked the dolly cam, where you choose a route for the camera to follow along with the player (though I wasn’t able to smooth out all the jittery cuts as the camera moved on a sharp angle). The framerate in these gifs is bad so I could fit them under the 3mb limit.

Messed around with post processing and was happy to discover that bloom made my moon sun object glow pretty realistically.

I was only able to get post-processing working on a second camera when I clicked “Is Global” and couldn’t find the solution to this, so I wasn’t able to test Blend Distance. But here is a change of camera where the first has bloom and the second has bloom and colour grading.

I used trees from here, and a skybox from here.

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