Game Ideas
1. Ratcatcher
The ratcatcher is tasked with catching all the rats in a building. The player chooses what weapon to equip the ratcatcher with and where to put traps (including arguably excessive options like flamethrowers & dynamite). Then the player clicks start, and the camera zooms over to the rats, who aren’t so evil looking, and who you’re actually controlling.
(these are all example assets taken from online)
The player’s goal is to direct the group of rats past the traps and the ratcatcher to the exit. The ratcatcher is an enemy AI with the ability to occasionally bust through walls. A rat will die each time the player gets hit. Score will be calculated based on time taken to escape, the number of surviving rats, and which traps/weapons the player used (the more powerful the weapon, the bigger the multiplier).
Target audience:
- strategic gamers (who want to work out optimal strategies)
- competitive gamers (who want to go for the highest score)
- people who like over-the-top cartoon violence
- people who think rats are cute (and want to rescue them)
A prototype would focus on making a single playable level, with at least 2 options each for weapons and traps.
The player must complete a race in the shortest time possible. The player’s avatar zigzags back and forth across the screen, while the perspective scrolls downwards. At the end of each zig or zag the player can increase (or maintain) their speed by pressing the displayed button (for example ASWD on PC). However, when a button is discoloured, the player must press the opposite button (for example A and D would be opposite, and W and S).
The player can move at 3 different speeds:
- Fast – when the player pressed the right button
- Medium – when the player pressed the wrong button
- Slow – when the player pressed the opposite button (or nothing, or mistimed their press)
The intention would be for players to really focus and “get in the zone” to get a perfect score. The game could also be developed for splitscreen, with both players attempting to race down the same course. While getting rhythm and music involved would be great, adjusting to whichever of the 3 speeds the player is going, this wouldn’t be possible for multiplayer.

Target audience:
- twitch skill gamers (who want to master the challenge)
- splitscreen gamers (who want to compete with their friends)
A prototype would focus on making a few playable courses, and hopefully getting the splitscreen option working.
3. The Under Ocean
The player plays as a child who has to reach the bottom of a pond (perhaps they dropped something valuable in, or their friend dared them to). However, when they reach the bottom, they fall through the surface and find themselves on the underside of an ocean. When they try to swim back up, there are suddenly obstacles and enemies in their way, and it seems the further up they swim the deeper they go.
The player must navigate the child back up to the (real) surface, avoiding enemies and solving basic environmental puzzles. The game would have simple controls, probably only swimming, grabbing and pushing. There’s also the option for an oxygen metre and drowning as a gameplay consideration, but that tends to be stressful and dominate all the other mechanics.
This one is much more of a thematic concept than a gameplay one, and would probably be best with a minimalist story. Think Limbo by Playdead.
Target audience:
- puzzle gamers
- indie story gamers
- people who still want more Limbo clones
A prototype would focus on creating a route back to the surface, with a puzzle to solve and a few enemies to avoid.
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